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JBOSS start stop. whildfly

On linux


jboss가 설치된 폴더의 bin폴더로 갑니다.

./domain.sh를 쳐줍니다~

$ cd jboss_home/bin $ ./domain.sh


On Windows:


> cd jobss_home/bin > domain.bat


This will launch a total of 5 processes on your system: three JBoss AS server instances; a Domain Controller process that acts as a central management point for all servers that belong to the same "domain"; and a lightweight Process Controller process that is responsible for spawning the other 4 processes and monitoring their lifecycle.


If you want to work in standalone mode, open a terminal and cd into the distribution's bin directory, and run the "standalone" launch script:


standalone mode 일 경우.


On linux


$ cd jboss_home/bin

$ ./standalone.sh


On Windows:



> cd jboss_home/bin

> standalone.bat





종료하는 방법



$ cd jboss_home/bin $ ./jboss-cli.sh --connect command=:shutdown


The "--connect" by default connects to localhost at port 9999 and triggers the shutdown. If your server doesn't use the default port or isn't bound to localhost, then you can explicitly specify the host port combination to the --connect as follows:


$ ./jboss-cli.sh --connect controller=<IP>:<port> command=:shutdown